The Grub Club® was created to help raise money for medical treatment and therapy for our 4year old daughter, MJ. Figuring that it is better to create an income than to ask for one time donations (though they will be gratefully accepted) we had this idea to let restaurants put their menus online for free. When we get enough menus and traffic to our web site we can sell advertising. The advertising dollars can go to our daughter for more therapy and equipment. For more information on MJ's situation please start here.
Our intent is to provide a free and easy way for restaurants to get their menus online so that everyone can see them. There are so many restaurants that either do not have a web site or have an out dated menus online. The Grub Club® system attempts to make it easy to keep menus up to date by making it easy and accessible to the restaurant owner or manager. They can login from any computer with Internet access and up date their menus on as needed basis. Changes can be made anytime and are updated in real-time. No waiting for someone else to complete the process. We hope to keep this free indefinitely so that most, if not all restaurants will want there restaurant menus online at The Grub Club®. This will allow for a single point for Internet users to view menus. We will make our income by providing advertising. Initially we will start with Google ads and then sell advertising directly to advertisers. No advertising will be accepted from adult sites, sites that exploit children, encourage hate or violence or would be inappropriate for general viewing by all ages. The site and it ads are and will be rated G. If you have a restaurant please add your menu to our web site. You will get new customers and give better service to your existing customers while helping a little girl succeed in life. We all can benefit and profit.
[ ] [ Co-Op Business ] [ Restaurant News ] [ Open Doors To New Sales With The Grub Club® ] [ Recently Completed Menus ]
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[ Menu Posting and Search Engine Submission Service ] [ Freelance Sales / Marketing ]
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