Missoula, MT
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Chefs Working HardMenu Posting and Search Engine Submission Service

Are you too busy to add your menu? We can help.

Just email, fax or mail us your menus and we will post them for you.

Next - Google, Yahoo & MSN

We will contact the big three search engines, Google, Yahoo, MSN, and submit your listing to them. This will insure that if someone does a search for "Your Restaurant, Your City, Your State" people will find your listing. It will also help people who are looking for a new restaurant to find you. You will also receive a you own web address that can be posted at your establishment and used in advertising. It will be something like: www.thegrubclub.com/a/your-restaurant-name.

For example: www.theGrubClub.com/a/Pauls

The great thing about these search engines is that it is verifiable. Both Google and Live/MSN require validation so you will receive a post card saying that your listing was submitted. For Yahoo a simple search on "Your Restaurant, Your City, Your State" will show that your restaurant has been listed. There will be no doubt that this was completed. Phone calls about your menu online will also confirm that people are finding your menu.

Social Media Friendly

The URL's mentioned above can be used on your printed materials or on webistes like Facebook.com, MySpace, Google Buzz, Yelp and Twitter.

Don't Forget the Discount Coupons!

Post your discount coupons here for free. You will see and the area for adding coupons when you login to The Grub Club®.

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MSN Live

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Benefits to having your menu on The Grub Club®:

  • 89% Of Consumers Research Online Before Selecting A Restaurant

  • Better service for your existing customers. Many people would call in an order and stop by to dine in or take out if they only had your menu.
  • Stop Faxing Your Menu - Give out the web address of your online menu instead.
  • Seasonal Menus - Do you have a special menu for St. Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving or Mother's Day? Add it to The Grub Club® so everyone can view it.
  • Out of town visitors. Many travelers will scout out potential restaurants for the next visit to your city on the Internet before actually arriving. Many will make hotel reservations based on the local restaurants or visa versa. An online menu means you have a chance into tap into this market.
  • Wi-Fi !! Hotels and Motels are all advertising that they have Internet access to attract business travelers and wealthy clients. Once these clients have checked in they are going to setup their laptop computer and search for a good place to eat. No online menu means no way to tap this growing market.
  • Search Engines - Our database is optimized so that search engines can find your menu
  • Menu Feeds - Have friends and associates show your up-to-date menu on their web sites or even power your existing site's menus with a Grub Club® Menu Feed. This will help you with search engines and drive traffic to your restaurant in general. This would be a great service for hotels and motels in your area. In exchange you could post some info about their business in your description or web site.


Price: $249.95 - Introductory Offer: $99.95 one time fee - for a limited time

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