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MSN / Microsoft - Live Search is Dead: Bing is Live.

Microsoft has a new search engine and it is called Bing. Below are excerpts from a few interesting articles:

Monday, June 1, 2009 7:16 AM PDT
Bing balloons into public
by Ina Fried

Microsoft's Bing search engine has started to become publicly available, allowing the world to decide whether the company's latest effort has the goods to take on Google.

The engine, which replaces Live Search, debuted Thursday at the D: All Things Digital conference and is slated to be fully available by Wednesday. (Microsoft said it would start becoming publicly available Monday, but that it wouldn't be fully launched until Wednesday.)
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Thu, June 18, 2009 - 17:14
Could Bing Snowball Into Google's Territory?
by Chris Crum

Google wants to make sure you don't forget about Google like you forgot about Dre. With Bing, Microsoft has created the most buzz the company has ever seen in the search industry, and it is spending a large (and well-publicized) sum of money to make sure people know about this one. Are you already using Bing regularly? Do you prefer it to Google?

Live Search never quite caught on like the company had hoped, but this time Microsoft has come out swinging. You've probably seen some of the ads (like the one below). They don't come right out and bash Google by name, but everybody knows what they're talking about.
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