MJ Benefit FundDonations Mail Checks to: MJ Benefit Fund 6/30/2011 As many of you know, Mikaslyn, MJ, needs to go back to Texas for surgery to remove the hardware from her reconstructive hip surgery last November. We found out this week that it will cost about $17,000 plus travel expenses. Kettlehouse Community UNite is our first fundraiser to raise this amount. The surgery needs to happen within the next 4 months.
Kristine and I are hoping there is a good turn out to this event to get us off to a good start so please consider attending. Also, it would be very helpful if you would share this on your Facebook page and invite your friends to this event.
If you would like to help with fundraising please contact either Kristine or me. Press Release - 11/11/2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Medicaid Is Failing A Disabled 8-Year Old Little Girl In Montana. What does a family do when there are no doctors in their state to treat their daughter, and Medicaid Missoula, Montana. November 8, 2010 - The Larsen family of Missoula need to raise awareness for MJ's story: Mikaslyn (MJ) Larson was born with a neurological/neuromuscular disorder of unknown There is a surgical procedure that can fix the dislocation, but on a child so small and young, the Everyone the Larsons have spoken with at the hospital in Texas, Medicaid, even Montana Senator The basics are: After more than a year, the family has found a qualified, willing surgeon. The bad news is that the CONTRIBUTIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED NOW. Donations can be made online with major credit Contact: Rick Larson
The information below is correct but dated. The most up to date information about MJ can be found at : www.facebook.com/MJFund Mikaslyn Update January 2010On New Year's we went to Helena, MT to pick up a hip brace (hip abduction brace) to help Mikaslyn's hips to stay in place while we are determining the best course of action. The brace seems to help when she is lying down but in the sitting position things don't look as good. When she is lying down it even appears that the hip might be in place but there has never been a good time to take an x-ray to determine if this is true. Mid-January Mikaslyn's physical therapist took a good look at how the brace was working and determined that it was doing more harm than good in the sitting position. We agree with the PT's assessment so she has not used the brace again. We have had some favorable reports on hip reconstructive surgery but it is still very scary. In fact, today one of the children we know that had the surgery went into emergency surgery because there were problem with the plates and screws used to patch the bones together. Unfortunately we see no alternative to the surgery at this point so we made the decision to go ahead. This does not give a parent a warm and cozy feeling. Since we made the decision to go ahead with the surgery we did find that there is one possible therapy that could get her hip in place and get the bones to correct. Unfortunately it is not covered by insurance. The therapy is called the Feldenkrais Method. Mikaslyn has had excellent results with this therapy in the past and sees a local practitioner here in Missoula. We are still researching this but it looks like an intensive program could either get the hip in place and improve the condition of the bones or at the very least make the recovery process go better. Money always seem to be the biggest issue for kid like Mikaslyn especially since the treatment that works the best for her is not traditional medicine. Your donations are all appreciated and could make the difference for Mikaslyn. With her hips working well and her success with neuro-feedback (see December 2009) Mikaslyn is going to make it to completely "normal" function in all areas of her life. December 2009Kristine and I have recently received some bad reports about Mikaslyn's hips. Her left hip is dislocated and not forming properly due to lack of walking. Her right hip is in better shape but still not completely developed. The specialist that saw her thinks the best course of action is surgery, a very invasive surgery. We are completely against this because the drugs used for anesthesia in major surgery are very hard on the brain and could set her back. We do not want Mikaslyn to have the surgery on her hip. We feel that she is very close to being able to walk normally and in fact the neuro-feedback doctor also believes this. We have been praying for her healing for many months and believe that healing is very close. We are asking everyone who believes God has the power and desire to heal to pray with us agreeing with our prayer and thanking God for Mikaslyn's healing. Prayer PetitionFather God, We come to you in agreement in accordance with Matthew 18:19 and present to You our petition in accordance with your Word in Hebrews 4:16 where it says it is "quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Our Declaration of FaithWe agree with God's Word that these scriptures are in full operation in the life of our family. God's Word is life to each of us and health to each of our flesh! We declare it is done in Jesus' Name. It is finished! In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
September 2006 Currently MJ is seizure free and developing. She is using her walker and getting better eye-to-hand coordination. She is about to start preschool and we are very excited about the prospects of having more kids in her life. We believe that MJ has a very good chance at having a "normal" life if we can work with her enough and get enough therapy for her. We also believe that right now in her life more is better. The more help she gets the faster she develops. It is wonder to finally see this progress but frustrating that we cannot afford to do more. We have tapped out our finances, our insurance benefit and all the state benefits we can qualify for. So we need to raise more more through other avenues. That is why we are asking for volunteers to help get the word out about The Grub Club®. If we can get enough traffic to this web site, we can sell advertising and use those resources to pay for more help for MJ. We have also spent most of our savings and continue to spend everything we can on MJ. If she is going to get a college education we need to get beyond spending every dollar we earn. This could definitely help that while helping restaurants get new customers and keep existing ones. If will also help all Internet users looking for information on specific restaurants or restaurant locations. Many can benefit from the success so please consider helping out. Below are links the letters |
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